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Theory of Change

Inclusion Solutions LLC- Our Theory of Change

Full program descriptions are available as a PDF here

Inclusion Solutions LLC subscribes to a specific theory of change. For sustainable change to occur, a systematic process must be utilized. This process must explicitly address three main factors: knowledge, skills, and disposition.

They are described here:

● Knowledge: Directed development in understanding various disabilities and the interference with learning. We cannot make instructional decisions based on faulty conceptions about disability. Understanding that disabilities impact learning in a variety of manners will help to direct the kind of instructional approaches that may be required.

• Skills: It is essential to assist teachers in developing evidenced-based instructional strategies, differentiation of instruction, curriculum design to identify essential learning targets, accommodations/ modifications, and assessment practices. These approaches, like Universal Design for Learning (UDL), not only support those with disabilities but also benefit the other students in the class.

• Dispositions: A critical area of development is the fostering of dispositions in serving people with disabilities. It is vital for staff to understand the connection between Catholic Social Teaching and the provision of services to students with disabilities. This work only advances our Catholic Identity by allowing us to live daily the Corporal Works of Mercy. Understanding the catechetical basis of serving students with disabilities assists us in living the mission of Catholic education, to ensure that we are helping all prepare for heaven. Ultimately, this helps to concentrate the focus on teaching in a Catholic school as ministry.

As Pope Francis reminds us, serving those with disabilities helps us to truly develop the “confidence that each person is unique and unrepeatable.”

Effective change lies at the intersection of these three dimensions though comprehensive professional learning that strikes the sufficient level of being sustained, intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, and data-driven.

This theory of change suggests that change, at its most comprehensive level, cannot be obtained and sustained without this level of attention to detail in creating professional learning plans. To this point, Inclusion Solutions LLC collaborates with client organizations to develop professional learning plans addressing these various elements.

Steps for Change

When investigating change management processes, there are many different models from which to choose. However, these models reflect a secular approach and may not capture some of the intricacies of implementing change in a faith-based organization. It may be facilitative for faith-based schools to engage in processes that reflect the ministerial approaches that are foundational in the mission priorities of the organization. Change management needs to embrace faith as a pillar in the change process. As with many models, this proposed model is organized in a continuous circle, as the change process is never final and should be conceptualized as a process that needs to be monitored and revised as needed.

The fulfillment of our mission priorities begins with a dialogue focused on the overall strategic goals, strengths within the community and opportunities for growth within the organization. This conversation with the system and/or school leaders will inform our individualized program that may include one or several services over multiple years. Our team accompanies yours throughout the change process, ensuring implementation success and sustainability.

Focus on Building Capacity

When school communities have the knowledge and skills to bring about the mission of the school, there is a higher level of confidence in the change process. School leaders can embed programs for professional development that affirm the foundational knowledge and skills the educators possess and strengthen areas for growth to ensure each classroom is prepared for all learners. Additionally, school leaders can move from superficial to deep implementation by adding an emphasis on dispositions which moves to address the social-emotional level about the impending change. The Inclusion Solutions LLC team will gather data from faculty, staff, and leadership, to assess those areas to be strengthened within a program for professional development that does not look at inclusion in a silo, but as a necessary component of mission. Through this work an individualized plan can be developed in alignment with other initiatives such as accreditation or curriculum review. Our team develops year-long and multi-year programs that support the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a sustainable manner.