The Full Circle Review provides a deep dive into systems, processes, and progression toward a community of belonging for students with disabilities.

Watch this brief video to learn more!

Inclusion Solutions, LLC

Widening the Circle

Helping faith-based schools to have a powerful impact on all learners.

New White Paper Release from IS4K:

Change Management from a Ministerial Lens

School leaders inspired to bring great change can build stronger communities when faith is the guide. Enjoy this inspirational framework and consider how YOU can lead great change through a ministerial lens.

Follow up training and webinars can further implementation success!

Widening the Circle begins with a look at your school community’s readiness to embrace and educate exceptional learners. Using our detailed framework analysis, you will discover where to begin to build an inclusive community. Our surveys and analysis of your school data bring about a comprehensive plan for change.

School leaders who have a desire to support exceptional learners understand there is a need for a community to bring about change within the school community. It takes a school based team to "buy in" and support the initiative, recognizing that this work not only supports exceptional learners, but all students enrolled.


We accompany your school community so that you can accompany them.

Inclusion Solutions will provide the support and resources you need based upon the outcomes of the initial consultation and information gathering. Workshops will address the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required at the administration and teacher levels, as well as the needs of the school community. Because the workshops are held with multiple stakeholders, consultation and collaboration with others will be explicitly included by the workshop facilitator. Online support will be available for the school leaders for 1:1 coaching as well as professional learning communities for leaders. This will maintain open lines of collaboration, support, and opportunities to overcome challenges among all teams throughout the process.

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